PrimaVera is momenteel het grootste onderzoeksprogramma in Nederland op het gebied van smart maintenance en staat onder leiding van Marielle Stoelinga van de UTwente. Er wordt veel interessant onderzoek gedaan met duidelijke relevantie voor de praktijk. Onderstaande Engelstalige bijeenkomst is nadrukkelijk ook voor geïnteresseerde praktijkmensen. Door WCM van harte aanbevolen aan de WCM-leden!
On February 1st next the PrimaVera consortium organizes a predictive maintenance seminar at NS Trefpunt in Utrecht. During this afternoon session PrimaVera researchers and practitioners will share their latest insights on research in predictive maintenance. Moreover, you will learn about the latest updates about the three field lab demonstrators that the PrimaVera project is developing.
You can register here for the seminar on February 1st. Should you have dietary wishes, you can fill them in at the special comments.
When: 1st of February, 2023 (registration closes on January 25th)
Where: NS Trefpunt, Laan van Puntenburg 100, Utrecht
The open program is accessible to anybody:
12:00 Lunch with PrimaVera posters
13:30 Welcome and intro Primavera by Program Director Marielle Stoelinga
13:45 Digital Twin Utrecht CS (Remco Bunder, NS)
14:15 Martin van Hastenberg (Program Manager ASML)
14:45 Sharing Predictive Maintenance Insights from PrimaVera: poster pitches
15:00 Short break, with posters
15:30 PrimaVera short research talks
16:00 Tjeerd de Jong (Program Manager Data Driven Maintenance RWS)
16:30 Closing and network drinks