The communication function in industrial automation systems changed from a minor function to a key function the last decades. Availability, scalability, maintainability etc. are new requirements because of the change to key function. New functions means new and usually more technologies. But also the industrial automation depends more and more on the network because of this change.
One of the drawbacks of the growing communication function is that industrial automation systems are increasingly more open. This openness means a higher risks of a cyber-attack and because of that a higher need for cyber security.
Engineers, technicians that are responsible for industrial automation systems needs more insight in the network communication. Otherwise it is hard to design and/or maintain an industrial automation system.
This practical training is for engineers and technicians that are responsible for the design and maintenance of industrial network communication systems. Exercises are an important part of this training.
The engineers and technicians are be able to develop better designs and solve faster problems in the network. This results in a higher availability of the system.